Legacy and Leadership
Hepburn was a prominent figure in popular culture throughout the 1950s as she began her acting career. Hepburn’s most
notable films such as Breakfast at
Tiffany’s and Roman Holiday have
been considered as her legendary works due to the large amount of people who
enjoyed the plays. After retiring from acting, Audrey Hepburn became a special
ambassador for the UNICEF organization in order to promote child welfare.
During her time as special ambassador, she traveled across the World in order
to help children in need, by providing food and water, health care, and
education. Her leadership skills were portrayed through the speeches she gave
on behalf of the UNICEF organization. Hepburn used her publicity in order to
promote UNICEF’s mission, which increased the amount of donations given for
each cause. Audrey Hepburn’s legacy and leadership will live on for centuries
to come.